miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

Mixed tenses

If you click on the picture below you will get access to 10 short texts with gaps for verb completion.

The texts are very short narratives so the verbs you need are mainly in the past tenses. My advice is to do the texts one by one, scrolling down to the key and checking your answers before doing the next text. If you write your answers in your notebook, it will be easier for you to check them and -when necessary, to correct them. Try to find out by yourself why you were wrong, when that is the case. If you can do that, learning is taking place.

This must be done before next Monday so that any questions that you have can be dealt with on Monday class. You have four pages to work on and there are four days before Monday so the task is not as massive as it may look like at first sight.

We need to move on to other tenses practice. Ideally, by Christmas, every single one in the class should be confident with all verb tenses in English

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