Good afternoon.
We are going to continue working with relative clauses, both defining, which are necessary to understand the person, object, place, time or reason we are referring to, and non-defining relative clauses, which are not necessary to specify the antecedent but give more information about it.By the way, the two relative clauses I've just used are non-defining, i.e., they give an explanation, but are not necessary to identify what I meant (defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses).
Click on the following link and write in your notebook a or b for each of the sentences.
*When you check the exercises you may probably notice that non-defining relative clauses are written between commas.
*You may also notice that the relative pronouns vary: in defining relative clauses who or that can be used to refer to people and which or that to refer to things.
*That, either for people or for things, cannot be used in non-defining relative clauses.
Andy Warhol's Gioconda
You have plenty of practice in the next link (below). In two of the exercises in the page you are asked to omit the relative pronoun when possible.
So, when can we omit the relative in a relative clause?
*We can omit the relative pronoun when it is not the subject of the relative clause.
Observe the sentences:
The Gioconda that / which I saw in the Louvre is different to the Gioconda in El Prado.
The Gioconda that / which hangs in the Louvre is different to the Gioconda in El Prado.
The relative clauses are underlined; in green, the subject of the relative clauses. This means the following sentencie is also possible:
The Gioconda I saw in the Louvre is different to the Gioconda in El Prado.
Mónica Jimeno Romero's Gioconda
After all the practice above, you should be ready for a different type of activities with relative pronouns. In this type, you have to link two clauses by means of a relative pronoun.
Picasso's Gioconda
To date, only 8 students have registered at, and only 3 of those students are working on it.
Next Friday, you will have to upload the answers to a test on relative clauses.
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