jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

B1B-Test & Easter homework

Hello, everyone.
Today, you have to test your knowledge of relative clauses. Mind this is NOT an ordinary exam, it is just an activity for which I am NOT going to give you the answers. You have to upload them to this link.
Instructions: Write your name. Then, as you are about to see in the document in the link, the number of the activity, the number of the sentence and the answer. You are given examples in each activity.
For Easter homework, you have a reading task and a writing task. You may choose one of the two articles in the two links below. The articles have been slightly adapted.
*Read the article.
*Do dictionary work and look up the underlined words/expressions and any others you may need.
*Make a vocab list with those words / expressions.
*Read the article again and make sure you understand the text.
*Then, you should be ready to write down the key information in each paragraph.
*Finally, USE THE LANGUAGE IN YOUR OWN WAY, NOT COPYING FROM THE TEXT to write an essay on the topic you have choosen. The essay you have to write is informative (see page 161 in your Student's book), as you are giving information about the topic you have choosen. Email me your essay at my educa.madrid or Yahoo accounts. If you do not have any of them, please, ask your classmates. I cannot give that info in this blog. The deadline for this task is April 22nd. Mind there can be delays so do not leave it for the last minute.
*Send me this task to my email, NOT TO THE LINK ABOVE.
Luckily, after Easter, I will ask you to send me the tasks you are doing.
All the best! 
(All the images are paintings by English artist David Hockney)

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