miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

E1F- Answers & Easter homework

Hello everyone.

As promised, here are the answers to the activities from Monday, March 30th. In the link below, the answers to the Lion fish activity.
Respuestas a Lion fish.
In the next link, you have the answers to the exercises in page 100 of your Students' Book.
Respuestas a los ejercicios de la página 100 del Students' Book.
In the next link, the answers to pages 64&65 of your Workbook.
Respuestas a los ejercicios de las páginas 64 y 65 del Workbook.
Finally, the audio to listen to the text in page 100 of your Students' Book.
Por último, el audio del texto de la página 100 del Students' Book.
No more exercises today, but keep reading the book All About Australia. Right after Easter holiday, you will have a test on chapters 1-6 of that book.
Hoy no tenéis que hacer ejercicios pero sí seguir leyendo el libro All About Australia. Justo a la vuelta de vacaciones de Pascua, tendréis que hacer un examen de los capítulos 1 al 6 del libro.
All the pictures in this entry are by English artist David Hockney.
Las imágenes de esta publicaión son del artista inglés David Hockney. 

1 comentario:

  1. You have to upload the answers to the test on 'All About Wales'. As for the exercises you're doing, just save them. I will tell yo after Easter how and when you Will have to send them.
