viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

E3C-Presentation & Review 2

Good morning, guys. I hope you're all great.

Today, I've got a presentation Jack Josellis prepared for you. Just do not worry much if you do not understand a great  part of the the news in the link in the last slide, it is real English and it's a level too high for you.
However, watch it and listen to it because there are words you can understand.
You will have to answer some comprehension questions afterwards*.
Hoy tenemos una presentación que hizo Jack Josellis. No os preocupéis si no entendéis bien lo que se dice en las noticias, en el enlace de la última diapositiva, es inglés no adaptado y por tanto de un nivel muy superior al vuestro.
Sin embargo, escuchad con atención porque hay palabras que entendéis.
Tendréis que responder las preguntas de comprensión después.
Instructions:Write the title Coronavirus in the US, the number of the question (1-7) and your answer, and email it to my Yahoo account.

Click below to watch the presentation
Click below to see the comprehension questions
Well, and now time for revision of comparatives and superlatives. Mr Trump has used the adjective toughest. Is it a comparative or a superlative? Yes, it is a superlative! Watch the tutorial below to brush up on comparison.
Finally, do the 3 sets of exercises on comparatives and superlatives. Mind at the top of the page on the right the tabs Exercises 1 2 3 and click on 2 and 3 after you have done 1. Remember to take screenshots.
Por último, haz los ejercicios y guarda y envía las capturas . Al principio de la página, a la derecha verás Exercises 1 2 3. Pulsa sobre 2 y sobre 3 después de haber hecho los de la página 1.


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