jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

B1B-Review 6 & Announcement

Good morning, everyone.
If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
If it were not for hope, the heart would break
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.  
Yes! You've guessed! Today, we're going to review conditionals. First, a tutorial in the first link so that you can refresh the grammar of conditionals.
*You'll see many different grammatical forms for the first conditional which we have not studied, do not worry about them, though it's valuable information.
*It is also noticeable that the second example in the second conditional is not quite what he says, as the present tense is used (If climate change happens, instead of If climate change happened), this is a mistake.
*In the slide with examples of the second conditional If it was me, different from the typical If I were you, the reason for the change is that it may refer to the husband or the wife (remember we saw in class how we use the third person they to refer to someone who could be he or she; in this case, we also use a third person it to refer to me, whether masculine or feminine).
*In the slide of mixed conditionals we are given an alternative to the conditional with 'wish' and an example I wish I hadn'd drunk so much , in the writing the second I is missing
A second tutorial, simpler and shorter, just to recap.
And finally, plenty of exercises for you to practise. Do as many as you feel you need until you are confident working with conditionals. 
You can now test yourself. Do the exercise in the last link today with zero, first, second and third conditionals.

Important announcement: on Monday 1st June, I will publish a questionnaire at 9:20 am, which will be your test for this term. You must do it and send it within the next hour.

Pictures today by Latvian, New York based painter Mark Rothko

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