martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

E3C-Presentation 2 & Review 6

Good morning.
*At last, we have Jack's presentation of his experience of Covid-19. That is what you have in the first of the links. You will see there are some questions you have to answer. 
*And now, we are going to continue with revision. In your SB, page 43, you have a Functional language box with language to make suggestions and reach an agreement. Study that box and also the dialogue in the previous page, exercise 4. Then, do the activity in the following link.
*The next topic we re going to review today are -ing/-ed adjectives. As you must know, -ing adjectives are active and their equivalents in Spanish take the verb ser. -ed adjectives are passive and in Spanish their equivalents take the verb estar.
e.g.:        Active (-ing) adjectives:
    1.  Her reaction was amazing!
    2. Your game is so boring!
    3. They discovered that the garden was very interesting.
              Passive (-ed) adjectives
    1. We were amazed by her reaction.
    2. I don’t like your game, I’m bored.
    3. They were interested in the garden.
Review the sections Emotions and Word builder: -ing and -ed adjectives in page 96 of your WB. Then, write 5 sentences of your own using -ing adjectives and another set of 5 sentences using -ed adjectives. Write them in a Word document and send them to my Yahoo account. 
*Finally, we are going to revise so / such. I explained the differences between them in the post of last Friday, 15th May. In the link, you have a whole page with exercises to practise.
The pictures today are details of works by Michelangelo Buanarroti, known in Spain as Miguel Ángel: David, Pietà and Creazione di Adamo.

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