miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

E3C-Review 4

Good morning everyone.
Today, we're going to review determiners. What are determiners? Words that go before nouns, although sometimes nouns are used with no determiner, as in I hate mice or in I love chocolate or in Roses are her favourite flowers. Notice that the nouns in those sentences are plural (mice, flowers) or uncountable (chocolate) and I'm talking in general, not about specific mice, chocolate or roses.
Hoy vamos a estudiar los determinantes, que son palabras que usamos delante de los nombres. En las frases I hate mice, I love chocolate, Roses are her favourite flowers, no hay determinante delante de los nombres (mice, chocolate, flowers) porque no hablamos de algo determinado sino en general. 
Watch the clip and remember you can pause and rewind.
In the next link you'll find an exercise with sentences to complete with a/an, some or any. You can click on the Show all questions tab to watch all the questions at once.
In the exercise in the link below you have to scroll down a bit to get to the exercise. You have to choose the right option. When we use a question to offer someone something, even though the form of the message is interrogative, use some, not any.
Cuando empleamos una frase interrogativa para ofrecer algo a alguien, se usa some junto al nombre, no any.
Pictures of ephemeral art today.

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