lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

E3C-Review 7 & Announcement

Good morning, 3rd garders.

First, an important announcement: next Monday, at 13:20, our usual  time for class on Mondays, I will publish in the blog a questionnaire you will have to complete and send back within an hour, i.e., by 14:20. That will be a test for the contents we are reviewing.
En primer lugar, un aviso importante: el próximo lunes, a la las 13:20, nuestra hora habitual de clase los lunes, publicaré en el blog un cuestionario que deberéis completar y enviarme en el espacio de una hora como máximo. Será un control de los contenidos que estamos repasando.

And now we're going to review subject and object questions. First, a tutorial so that you can refresh the difference between them.
In the next link you have a multiple choice activity. You'll find underlined* the part of the sentence we want to ask for, sometimes it is the subject of the sentence and other the object.
You have now 2 sets of exercises. When you've finished no.1 click on the arrow* on top of the page to go to no.2. In this activity you have to write the question.
And the last activity today is a word building one: negative prefixes. Remember that by means of these prefixes we change the meaning of a word to mean the opposite. Study the rules and then do the exercises in a Word document or in your notebook. Always remember to write down the reference or title o the activity. Do not be dishonet to yourself and do not cheat.
Pictures of modern buildings in Japan

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