Hello and welcome to this blog, which we will be using throughout the year, whether we attend school or are in lockdown.
This first entry is to review present tenses: the present simple, the present continuous and the present perfect. When we study verb tenses there are two aspects we need to learn: the form of the verb, i.e., how the tense is formed, and the use of the verb, i.e., what we express by using that particular verb tense.
Let's see in the first link how the present simple and the present continuous are formed and how we use them.
Next, we are going to review the present perfect tense, both its form and its use.
Well, now we all should be ready to put knowledge into practice.
*Present simple / present continuous.
*Present simple / present perfect.
*Present simple / present continuous: questions.
How did you score? Do you think you still need more practice? Did you feel confident doing the exercises? Is there anything you have learnt?