martes, 28 de enero de 2020

Describing a picture- E3C

Prepare--Rehearse--Record--Upload your speech

Describe a picture in 2 minutes. Click on the pic below and study the language you need to describe a picture.

Read carefully the instructions and assessment citeria below. Your speech must be uploaded before Monday 17th  February.


*Tprepare for the task, click on the pic above and study the language you need to use in your description. You can also read sample descriptions of some pictures.

*Once you have the info and know how to say it, organise your speech: start with the general information and then move into more detailed information, following a spatial order. Finally, give your personal opinion.


*Practise speaking with a watch: you need your speech to be within the time limits.

*Practise and practise until you feel confident.


*Record yourself and name the file after yourself.


*Upload your file before the deadline. Click here to upload it.

Your oral task will be assessed taking into account the following


*Pronunciation and intonation: Is it easily understood? Does it sound as oral / written language?
*Time limit: Is it within the time limit? Too long / short? (+/- 10%)
*Content: Is the information relevant / logical?
*Structure: Is there an introduction, a body and a conclusion? 
*Grammar: Is it grammatically acceptable? Are there only minor grammatical mistakes? Are there important grammatical errors which hinder understanding?
*Vocabulary: Is it appropriate? Is it varied? Are there synonyms / repetition? Are concepts well connected?

Click on the picture of the two children and choose one picture for your oral task.

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