martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

B1B-You can't teach an old dog new tricks

Today, we are going to start Unit 7: You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

First, here you are a couple of tutorials which explain defining & non-defining relative clauses, which is the core grammar of the unit.
  Clock Tower, Houses of  Parliament, London

The Gherkin, London
Now, some more explanations and activities.

The Globe, London
The Tate Modern, London

Now you should be able to do exercises in pages 82&83 in your Student's Book. 

Last thing today, the mp3 file to listen to the text in pages 78&79. Do the reading comprehension and vocabulary activities.

Tower Bridge, London

Anwers to the activities mentioned above will be published on Friday.
Remember to keep track of all your work.
Do not hesitate and email me if you have any questions.

Take care of yourselves!

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