We are going to work with the SB and the WB, but first, a clip of Steve Backshall, in an episode of Venon Hunter, lion fish. Watch it and complete the missing words in the transcript. The text you have in unit 8 is about him.
Vamos a trabajar con el SB y el WB, pero antes, un vídeo de Steve Backshall, en un episodio de "Cazador de veneno, pez león". Míralo y completa las palabras que faltan en la transcripción. El texto de la unidad 8 trata de él.
The level is much higher than yours so do not worry if you don't understand most of it. Just focus on the missing chunks.
El nivel es muy alto para vosotros así que no os preocupéis si no entendéis la mayor parte. Simplemente centraos en lo que falta.
fish are causing havoc up and down the Americas, they can eat (1)_____ other fish
in half and hour. They have a potent venom and few known them as a top predator.
want to get a venom sample, plus getting a (2)____ out of the water will help
everything else live in the marine reserve.
found one! It is hard to believe from his size, but this guy is destroying the
underwater ecosystem in Belize even (3)____ humans. I don’t want to lose him
on the way to the surface, so I will use a jar.
have to do this relatively quickly because once he is out of water, the clock
starts ticking. So basically, what I will do is I will let it forward and they
try to hit you with their spines. But basically, they have spines in the front,
back, (4)____ . So, you can’t, there is not a safe way to approach them.
Unlike stone fish, which you can technically grab them with (5)____ , these
guys are not like that. They have venom spines everywhere.
have (6)____ left in Belize so the last thing I need is to (7)____ by
this guy. See how the spines stick up instantly and that's defense mechanism. So,
we go straight for one of these venom spines.
am just going to take it from him laying on his side like this. I (8)____ grab one and basically clip it off. There you go! Get that on a sample
container really quickly and I'll get him back to the water.
literally took less than a minute so he should be fine. So, the sample I got is
of the venom, if you look right at the end, it almost looks like a fingernail.
That’s just the hard spine so I will be able to get DNA and venom from the
sample, see let’s make sure it’s not (9)____.
rather than killing this guy or getting into captivity, he is going to be kept at
the Fisheries Departments as an educational device. Lionfish venom could be a
building block for hard medication, but even that, won’t make up for the
(10)____ they are causing in the ecosystem.
In the next link you have a box with the words you need to do the exercise, but there are more words than you need.
En el siguiente enlace tienes las palabras que necesitas para hacer el ejercicio, pero hay algunas palabras de más.
You also have the translation of some keywords to understand the text.
También tienes la traducción de algunas palabras clave para entender el texto.
Now you can do exercises 1, 2 & 3 in page 100 of the SB, and pages 64 & 65 in the WB.
I will give you the answers on Wednesday.
Haced los ejercicios 1, 2 & 3 de la página 100 del SB y las páginas 64 & 65 del WB. El miércoles os daré las respuestas.
Remember to write the date and the references in your notebook.
Recuerda escribir la fecha y las referencias en tu cuaderno.
I will give you the answers on Wednesday.
Haced los ejercicios 1, 2 & 3 de la página 100 del SB y las páginas 64 & 65 del WB. El miércoles os daré las respuestas.
Remember to write the date and the references in your notebook.
Recuerda escribir la fecha y las referencias en tu cuaderno.
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