jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

B1B-Review 1 & Instructions

Good day, everyone.

We are going to start reviewing the contents we have been studying this year. But first of all, let me tell you it's paramount* to follow the instructions I give you. (Some students have uploaded the essay to the relative clauses link; sorry but I had to delete them)
*paramount=de la mayor importancia

Initially, I asked you to keep your work (screenshots, word documents, notebook, and so on) and wait for instructions.
Now that we know it is very likely you don't go back to school this year, I have asked one of the students in this class to let you know my Yahoo account. There is where you can email me your tasks from now on, always with the reference of the task in the subject. For example, if you send your essay on coronavirus, write Coronavirus essay in the subject. That is the only way I can organise and will assess your performance during lockdown.

Now, a reading comprehension activity...
...and grammar practice. In the second link below, do the 4 exercises.

I will upload the answers to the text  A Green Christmas on Monday.
Second and third pictures by Mercedes Lafuente.

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