miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

E1B-Answers & Review 2

Good day, good people.
Although most of you have long been expecting the answers to SB page 112 & WB page 93, which I'm giving you today, I have to say there are quite a few students who haven't done the task yet. Well, I think it's about time you had the answers so, click on the picture:
And now, let's continue revising the contents we have studied this year in class. Last, were exercises on the present perfect and the past simple (April, 16th). Today, I'm giving you online exercises to review the particles commonly used with the present perfect simple. But first, a slide presentation:
Answers to the exercises in the slides coming on May 2nd.
And now online exercises, with self-correction:
Plus grammar test 1 and  grammar test 2 in the next link, with self-correction, too:

Bye for now.
All the pictures show the Royal Albert Hall, in London.

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