jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

B1B-Review 8

Good day everyone.
Today is the last revision before the test on Monday, remember, at 9:20 a.m.
The first grammar point we're revising today is relative clauses, both defining and non-defining. Defining clauses are necessary to understand the referent (person, object, place or time) the speaker means. Non-defining relative clauses, on the contrary, aren't necessary but contribute with more information about the person, thing, time or place the speaker refers to (see 24th &31st March entries.)
In the first link, a tutorial with explanations and examples of relative clauses.
Self-portrait, Andy Warhol
Now, some exercises to link sentences by means of a relative pronoun.
Beethoven, by Andy Warhol
The second grammatical item for revision today is the passive voice, which, as you all must know, is formed conjugating the verb to be (more informally to get ) and adding the past participle of the verb.
In the first of the links below you have 4 sets of exercises to practise active and passive verbs.
Mao Tse-Tung, by Andy Warhol
In the next link, you have 13 sentences to change active into passive sentences.
Shadows, by Andy Warhol
And in the last link, an exercise with active sentences with direct and indirect objects to change into the passive. Remember that converting the indirect object into the subject of the passive is more frequent
Make the most of the long weekend and study!

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