jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

E1F-Review 9

Good day everyone.
Today, I'm giving you the last review before the test on Monday, remember, at 11:30.
We are going to review the past simple tense. Regular verbs form the past in the affirmative adding -ed, for example: work-worked, live-lived, study-studied. Irregular verbs form the past in many different ways which have to be learnt, for example: leave-left, drive-drove, give-gave, teach-taught.
Hoy vamos a revisar por última vez antes del control del lunes, recuerda, a las 11:30.
Vamos a repasar los verbos en pasado simple. Los verbos regulares forman el pasado en oraciones afirmativas añadiendo -ed, por ejemplo: work-worked, live-lived, study-studied. Los verbos irregulares forman el pasado de muchas formas diferentes y hay que estudiarlos, por ejemplo: leave-left, drive-drove, give-gave, teach-taught.
Do the exercises in the link. All the verbs in this exercise are regular
Haz los ejercicios del enlace. Todos los verbos de este ejercicio son regulares.
Street art by Banksy
And now do the exercise with irregular verbs. Study the list of irregular vers at the back of your  WB
Haz ahora el ejercicio con verbos irregulares. Estudia la lista de verbos irregulares al final de tu WB.
Street art by Banksy
For negative and interrogative sentencs in the past we don't need the verb in the past, we just need auxiliary did or didn't
In questions, we use this word before the subject, as in Did you go for a walk yesterday? or in Where did Peter go on holiday last summer?
Para hacer oraciones negativas o interrogativas no se usa la forma del verbo en pasado sino que usamos el auxiliar did o didn't
En las preguntas, usamos este auxiliar delante del sujeto, como por ejemplo en Did you go for a walk yesterday? o en Where did Peter go on holiday last summer?
In negative sentences we use didn't (or did not) before the verb, as in She didn't tavel by train, or in My sister Mary didn't do the shopping yesterday.
En las oraciones negativas usamos didn't (or did not) antes del verbo, como por ejemplo en She didn't tavel by train o en My sister Mary didn't do the shopping yesterday.
Do now the exercise in the following link
Haz ahora el ejercico del siguiente enlace

Street art by Banksy
And finally, an exercise with affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
Por último, un ejercicio con oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
Banksy's bathroom in lockdown
Make the most of this long weekend and study.
Saca provecho al largo fin de semana y estudia.💗

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