martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

E1B-Answers, Announcement & Review 7

Good day.
In the first link of English villages, the answers to Indefinite pronouns-rephrasing (Review 4, May 15th).
We go on now to review the uses of wish. The first of the uses of wish the tutor in the BBC clip explains is what we have studied this year (SB page 93).
Go now to the WB, page 73, and complete the sentences in exercise 8 in your notebook and the do the online exercises in the link below.
Last, today, a listening comprehension activity. In the first link below, the audio. My advice is for you to have a look at the questions first, as we always do in class.
And the comprehension ang gap filling activities.
Finally, an important announcement:
Los criterios de evaluación, como os anuncié el 30 de abril, han tenido que modificarse dadas las circunstancias derivadas de la pandemia. En la página web del instituto podéis ver los nuevos criterios de evaluación. El control (formulario) del próximo lunes, 1 de junio, tendrá bastante peso en vuestra nota.

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