miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

E3C-Answers & Review 8

Good morning.
The first thing today is the answers to the Coronavirus in a simple way activity from May 15th.
And now we're going to revise the contents of the last units we have studied this year.
We are starting with how to express habits in the past by using used to. Ignore the last part with 'would', which we don't study this year. (Ignora la última parte del vídeo con 'would')

Do now the exercises.

Let's revise now modals of deduction. Go to page 102 in your WB and study the box Modas of deduction. Now do the 3 sets of exercises in the next link.
Next, in the same page of your WB, look at the Relative pronouns box and then do the exercises in the link
The passive voice in the present and in the past simple tenses is the next grammar point today. Remember we form the passive voice conjugating the verb to be and adding the past participle (regular or irregular) of the verb. It's important you study the list of irregular verbs at the back of your WB. Do the exercises in the link.
The contents of the next section are in page 110 in your WB. Study the uses of will and be going to very carefully and then do the 3 sets of exercises in the link.
 Finally, we're going to revise 1st and 2nd conditionals (WB page 114). In the last two links you have exercises on these types of conditional sentences.
Paintings by Joan Miró
Make the most of the long weekend ahead and stydy.

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