lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

E1B-BBC video & Review 5

Good morning everyone.
Today, we are going to continue reviewing some of the contents we've studied this year but, before, a video from the BBC, British public television. You can watch the video entirely but the activities you have to do are based on the following chunks: the 1st part, minute 0:00-2:37, is about care homes in England; the 2nd part, minute 3:57-6:02, is about reopening schools.
You can access the video by clicking on the first of German painter Paul Klee's paintings below.
In the next link, the activities.
Well, now comes revision on how to express feelings. First, a video that shows how we can easily change our mood. Beware that if you want to do the experiment with other people now you need another pencil!

And finally, an exercise to practise adjectives of feelings and emotions. Do this activity writing the answers in a Word document.
Hopefully, I'll give you the last quiz on the book later this week.

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