viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

E1B-Review 4

Good day.
The pictures for the links today depict Ophelia, who is a character from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. ←Click if you want to know more about that play.
First, we are going to brush up* indefinite pronouns in English. Click on John Everett Millais' painting, which, by the way, you can see if you visit the Tate Britain in London, and watch the tutorial.
*brush up=revise, refresh
In the next link, picture by English painter John William Waterhouse, you have a multiple choice exercise to practise indefinite pronouns.
Finally, in the link of German painter Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Heyser's Ophelia, you'll see 26 sentences which you have to rephrase, i.e., you have to express the same message with different words. You must include in the rephrased sentence the chunk I give you.
I will publish the answers to the rephrasing activity next week so that you'll be able to check your performance.
Have a lovely weekend!😍

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